The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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2350 thorubeo {thor-oo-beh'-o}
from 2351; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - make ado (1)
- make a noise (1)
- set on an uproar (1)
- trouble (one's) self (1) [4]
1) to make a noise or uproar, be turbulent
2) to disturb, throw into confusion; to be troubled in mind; to
wail tumultuously
2351 thorubos {thor'-oo-bos}
from the base of 2360; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - tumult (4)
- uproar (3) [7]
1) a noise, tumult, uproar; of persons wailing, of a clamorous
and excited multitude, of riotous persons; a tumult, as a
breach of public order
2352 thrauo {throw'-o}
a primary verb; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - bruise (1)
1) to break, break in pieces, shatter, smite through
2353 thremma {threm'-mah}
from 5142; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - cattle (1)
1) whatever is fed or nursed, hence a ward nursing child
2) a flock, cattle, esp. sheep and goats
2354 threneo {thray-neh'-o}
from 2355; TDNT - 3:148,335; vb
AV - mourn (2)
- lament (2) [4]
1) to mourn, to lament' of singers of dirges, [to wail]
2) to bewail, deplore. The word is the most comprehensive Greek
word, denoting every species of pain of body or soul.
2355 threnos {thray'-nos}
from the base of 2360; TDNT - 3:148,335; n m
AV - lamentation (1)
1) a lamentation
2356 threskeia {thrace-ki'-ah}
from a derivative of 2357; TDNT - 3:155,337; n f
AV - religion (3)
- worshipping (1) [4]
1) religious worship, esp. external, that which consists of
ceremonies; religious discipline, religion
2357 threskos {thrace'-kos}
probably from the base of 2360; TDNT - 3:155,337; adj
AV - religious (1)
1) fearing or worshipping God; religious
2358 thriambeuo {three-am-byoo'-o}
from a prolonged compound of the base of 2360; TDNT - 3:159,337; vb
AV - cause to triumph (1)
- triumph over (1) [2]
1) to triumph, to celebrate a triumph
2) cause one to triumph. From the root word meaning a hymn sung
in festal processions in honour of the god Bacchus.
2359 thrix {threeks}
genitive case trichos, etc., of uncertain derivation;
TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - hair (15)
1a) the hair of the head
1b) the hair of animals
2360 throeo {thro-eh'-o}
from threomai {to wail}; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - trouble (3)
1) to cry aloud, make a noise by outcry; in the NT, to trouble,
frighten; to be troubled in mind, to be frightened, alarmed
2361 thrombos {throm'-bos}
perhaps from 5142 (in the sense of thickening);
TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - great drop (1)
1) a large thick drop, esp. of clotted blood
2362 thronos {thron'-os}
from thrao (to sit), a stately seat ("throne"); TDNT - 3:160,338; n m
AV - throne (54)
- seat (7) [61]
1) a throne seat, i.e. a chair of state having a footstool;
assigned in the NT to kings, hence, kingly power or royalty;
metaphorical to God, the governor of the world; to the
Messiah, the partner and assistant in the divine
administration; hence divine power belonging to Christ; to
judges i.e. tribunal or bench; to elders
2363 Thuateira {thoo-at'-i-rah}
of uncertain derivation; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr loc
AV - Thyatira (4)
1) Thyatira meaning "odour of affliction" a city on the Lycus,
founded by Seleucus Nicator, lay to the left of the road from
Pergamos to Sardis, 27 miles from the latter city, and on the
very confines of Mysia and Ionia, so as to be sometimes
reckoned within the one and sometimes within the other. Dyeing
apparently formed an important part of the industrial activity
of Thyatira, as it did of that of Collossae and Laodicea. It
is first mentioned in connection with Lydia, "a seller of
purple". Acts 16:14. One of the Seven Churches of Asia was
established here. Rev. 2:18-29. The principal deity of the
city was Apollo; but there was another superstition, of an
extremely curious nature, which seems to have been brought
there by some of the corrupted Jews of the dispersed tribes. A
shrine stood outside the walls, dedicated to Sambatha -- the
name of the sibyl who is sometimes called Chaldean, sometimes
Jewish, sometimes Persian -- in the midst of an enclosure
designated "of the Chaldean court." This seems to lean to the
illustration to the obscure passage in Rev. 2:20,21, which
some interpret of the wife of the bishop. Now there is
evidence to show that in Thyatira there was some amalgamation
of races. If the sibyl Sambatha was in reality a Jewess,
lending her aid to the amalgamation of different religions,
and not discountenanced by the authorities of the
Judeo-Christian Church at Thyatira, both the censure and its
qualification become easy to understand. The present name of
the city is ak-Hissar ("white castle"). It has a reputation
for the manufacture of scarlet cloth. Its present population
is 15,000 - 20,000. There are nine mosques.
2364 thugater {thoo-gat'-air}
apparently a primary word [compare "daughter"];
TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - daughter (29)
1) a daughter; a daughter of God i.e. acceptable to God,
rejoicing in God's peculiar care and protection; with the name
of a place, city, or region, it denotes collectively all its
inhabitants and citizens; a female descendant
2365 thugatrion {thoo-gat'-ree-on}
from 2364; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - little daughter (1)
- young daughter (1) [2]
1) a little daughter
2366 thuella {thoo'-el-lah}
from 2380 (in the sense of blowing); TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - tempest (1)
1) a sudden storm, tempest, whirlwind
2367 thuinos {thoo'-ee-nos}
from a derivative of 2380 (in the sense of blowing, denoting a
certain fragrant tree); TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - thyine (1)
1) thyine wood occurs in Rev. 18:12, where the margin has
"sweet" (wood). There can be little doubt that the wood here
spoken of is that of "Thuya articulate", Desfont., the
"Callitris quadrivalis" of present botanists. It is a cone
bearing tree allied to the pine. This tree was much prized by
the ancient Greeks and Romans on account of the beauty of its
wood for various ornamental purposes. By the Romans the tree
was called "citrus", the wood "citrum". It is a native of
Barbary, and grows to the height of 15 - 25 feet.
2368 thumiama {thoo-mee'-am-ah}
from 2370; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - incense (4)
- odour (2) [6]
1) an aromatic substance burnt, incense
2369 thumiasterion {thoo-mee-as-tay'-ree-on}
from a derivative of 2370; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - censer (1)
1) a utensil for fumigating or burning incense
2) an altar of incense
2370 thumiao {thoo-mee-ah'-o}
from a derivative of 2380 (in the sense of smoking);
TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - burn incense (1)
1) to burn incense
2371 thumomacheo {thoo-mom-akh-eh'-o}
from a presumed compound of 2372 and 3164; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - highly displeased (1)
1) to carry on war with great animosity; to be very angry, be
2372 thumos {thoo-mos'}
from 2380; TDNT - 3:167,339; n m
AV - wrath (15)
- fierceness (2)
- indignation (1) [18]
1) passion, angry, heat, anger forthwith boiling up and soon
subsiding again
2) glow, ardour, the wine of passion, inflaming wine (which
either drives the drinker mad or kills him with its deadly
2373 thumoo {tho-mo'-o}
from 2372; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - be wroth (1)
1) to cause one to become incensed, to provoke to anger
2374 thura {thoo'-rah}
apparently a primary word [compare "door"]; TDNT - 3:173,340; n f
AV - door (38)
- gate (1) [39]
1) a door
1a) the vestibule
1b) used of any opening like a door, an entrance, way or
passage into
1c) in a parable or metaphor; the door through which sheep go
in and out, the name of him who brings salvation to those
who follow his guidance; "an open door" is used of the
opportunity of doing something; the door of the kingdom of
heaven (likened to a palace) denotes the conditions which
must be complied with in order to be received into the
kingdom of God
2375 thureos {thoo-reh-os'}
from 2374; TDNT - 5:292,702; n m
AV - shield (1)
1) a shield, a large oblong, four cornered shield
2376 thuris {thoo-rece'}
from 2374; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - window (2)
1) a window
2377 thuroros {thoo-ro-ros'}
from 2374 and ouros (a watcher); TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - porter (2)
- that keeps the door + 3588 (2) [4]
1) a doorkeeper, porter; a male or female janitor
2378 thusia {thoo-see'-ah}
from 2380; TDNT - 3:180,342; n f
AV - sacrifice (29)
1) a sacrifice, victim
2379 thusiasterion {thoo-see-as-tay'-ree-on}
from a derivative of 2378; TDNT - 3:180,342; n n
AV - altar (23)
1) the altar for slaying and burning of victims used of: the
altar of whole burnt offerings which stood in the court of the
priests in the temple at Jerusalem
2) the altar of incense which stood in the sanctuary or the Holy
3) any other altar, metaphorically, the cross on which Christ
suffered an expiatory death: to eat of this altar i.e. to
appropriate to one's self the fruits of Christ's expiatory
2380 thuo {thoo'-o}
a primary verb; TDNT - 3:180,342; vb
AV - kill (8)
- sacrifice (3)
- do sacrifice (2)
- slay (1) [14]
1) to sacrifice, immolate
2) to slay, kill the paschal lamb
2381 Thomas {tho-mas'}
of Aramaic origin [compare 8380]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Thomas (12)
1) Thomas meaning "a twin" was one of the apostles. According to
Eusebius, his real name was Judas. This may have been mere
confusion with Thaddeus, who is mentioned in the extract. But
it may also be that Thomas was a surname. Out of this name has
grown the tradition that he had a twin-sister, Lydia, or that
he was a twin-brother of our Lord; which again would confirm
his identity with Judus. Cp. Mt. 13:55. He is said to have
been born in Antioch. The earlier traditions, as believed in
the fourth century, represent him as preaching in Parthia or
Persia, and as finally buried at Edessa. The later traditions
carry him farther east. His martyrdom, whether in Persia or
India, is said to have been occasioned by a lance, and is
commemorated by the Latin church on Dec. 21, by the Greek
Church on Oct. 6, and by the Church in India on July 1.
2382 thorax {tho'-rax}
of uncertain affinity; TDNT - 5:292,702; n m
AV - breastplate (5)
1) the breast, the part of the body from the neck to the navel,
where the ribs end
2) a breastplate or corslet consisting of two parts and
protecting the body on both sides from the neck to the middle
2383 Iaeiros {ee-ah'-i-ros}
of Hebrew origin [2971]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Jairus (2)
1) Jairus meaning "whom God enlightens" was a ruler of a
synagogue, probably near the western shore of the Sea of
2384 Iakob {ee-ak-obe'}
of Hebrew origin [3290]; TDNT - omitted,344; n pr m
AV - Jacob (27)
1) Jacob meaning "heel-catcher or supplanter" was the second son
of Isaac
2) the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, the mother of
Jesus Christ
2385 Iakobos {ee-ak'-o-bos}
the same as 2384 Graecised; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - James (son of Zebedee) (21)
- James (son of Alphaeus) (16)
- James (brother of Jesus) (5) [42]
1) James meaning "supplanter" was the son of Zebedee, and was an
apostle and the older brother of John the apostle. The name
"Boanerges" was given to both of them and means "sons of
thunder". He was present in the garden before the crucifixion.
On the day of the ascension, he is mentioned as persevering,
with the rest of the apostles and disciples in prayer. Shortly
before the day of the passover, in the year 44 A.D., he was
put to death by Herod Agrippa I, Acts 12:2.
2) James the son of Alphaeus was one of the twelve apostles.
Whether or not this James is to be identified with James the
Less, the son of Alphaeus, the brother of our Lord, is one of
the most difficult questions in the Gospel history. By
comparing Mat. 27:56, Mark 15:40, with John 19:25, we find
that the Virgin Mary had a sister named, like herself, Mary,
who was the wife of Clopas or Alphaeus (varieties of the same
name), and had two sons, James the Less and Joses, with two
other brethren named James and Jude among the apostles. It
would certainly be natural to think that we had but one family
of four brothers and three or more sisters, the children of
Clopas and Mary, nephews and nieces of the Virgin Mary. There
are difficulties with this conclusion; but in reply to the
objection that the four brethren in Mat. 13:55 are described
as the brothers of Jesus, not his cousins, it must be
recollected that "adelphoi", which is here translated
"brethren", may also signify cousins.
3) James the Less, was called this because he was younger or
smaller in stature than James the son of Zebedee. He was the
son of Alphaeus or Clopas and brother of our Lord (see above);
and was called to be an apostle at the same time his brother
Jude was. The Lord appeared to him after his resurrection and
before his ascension. 1 Cor. 15:7. Ten years after we find
James on the same level with Peter, and with him deciding on
the admission of St. Paul into fellowship with the church at
Jerusalem; and from henceforth we always find him equal, or in
his own department superior, to the very chiefest apostles,
Peter, John, and Paul. Acts 9:27, Gal. 1:18,19. This
preeminence is evident throughout the after history of the
apostles, whether we read it in Acts, in the epistles or in
ecclesiastical writers. Acts 12:17; 15:13, 19; 21:18; Gal.
2:9. According to tradition, James was thrown down from the
temple by the scribes and Pharisees; he was then stoned, and
his brains dashed out with a fuller's club.
2386 iama {ee'-am-ah}
from 2390; TDNT - 3:194,344; n n
AV - healing (3)
1) a means of healing, remedy, medicine
2) a healing
2387 Iambres {ee-am-brace'}
of Egyptian origin; TDNT - omitted,344; n pr m
AV - Jambres (1)
1) Jambres meaning "foamy healer" and Jannes, were two Egyptian
magicians who in the presence of Pharaoh imitated the miracles
of Aaron in order to destroy his influence with the king. The
author of the epistle derived their names from the tradition
of the Talmudists and the Rabbins
2388 Ianna {ee-an-nah'}
probably of Hebrew origin [compare 3238]; TDNT - omitted,omitted;
n pr m
AV - Janna (1)
1) Janna meaning "flourishing", was the son of Joseph and the
father of Melchi, in the genealogy of Christ. Luke 3:24.
2389 Iannes {ee-an-nace'}
of Egyptian origin; TDNT - omitted,344; n pr m
AV - Jannes (1)
1) Janna meaning "he vexed" and Jambres, were two Egyptian
magicians who in the presence of Pharaoh imitated the miracles
of Aaron in order to destroy his influence with the king. The
author of the epistle derived their names from the tradition
of the Talmudists and the Rabbins
2390 iaomai {ee-ah'-om-ahee}
middle voice of apparently a primary verb; TDNT - 3:194,344; vb
AV - heal (26)
- make whole (2) [28]
1) to cure, heal; to make whole i.e. to free from errors and
sins, to bring about (one's) salvation
2391 Iared {ee-ar'-ed}
of Hebrew origin [3382]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Jared (1)
1) Jared meaning "descent" was one of the antideluvian
patriarchs, the father of Enoch. Gen. 5:15; Luke 3:37
2392 iasis {ee'-as-is}
from 2390; TDNT - 3:194,344; n f
AV - cure (1)
- to heal + 1519 (1)
- healing (1) [3]
1) a healing, cure
2393 iaspis {ee'-as-pis}
probably of foreign origin [see 3471]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - jasper (4)
1) jasper, a precious stone of various colours (for some are
purple, others blue, others green, and others the colour of
brass). There is one kind called the Aeizusa, like to air and
another Crystallizusa, clear as crystal. So Pliny speaks of a
white Jasper called Astrios, and which, he says is "crystallo
propinquans", near to crystal, found in India, and on the
shores of Pallene. (Gill)
2394 Iason {ee-as'-oan}
future active participle masculine of 2390; TDNT - omitted,omitted;
n pr m
AV - Jason (5)
1) Jason meaning "one who will heal" is called a Thessalonian,
entertained Paul and Silas, and as was in consequence attacked
by the Jewish mob. Acts 17:5-9 A.D. 48. He is probably the
same Jason mentioned in Rom. 16:21. It is conjectured that
Jason and Secundus, Acts 20:4, were the same.
2395 iatros {ee-at-ros'}
from 2390; TDNT - 3:194,344; n m
AV - physician (7)
1) a physician
2396 ide {id'-eh}
second person singular imperative active of 1492;
TDNT - omitted,omitted; particle
AV - behold (22)
- lo (3)
- look (1)
- see (1) [27]
1) behold, see
2397 idea {id-eh'-ah}
from 1492; TDNT - omitted,202; n f
AV - countenance (1)
1) form, external appearance; aspect, look
2398 idios {id'-ee-os}
of uncertain affinity; TDNT - 2:373,omitted; adj
AV - his own (48)
- their own (13)
- privately (8)
- apart (7)
- your own (6)
- his (5)
- own (5)
- not translated (1)
- misc. (20) [113]
1) pertaining to one's self, one's own, belonging to one's self
2399 idiotes {id-ee-o'-tace}
from 2398; TDNT - 3:215,348; n m
AV - unlearned (3)
- ignorant (1)
- rude (1) [5]
1) a private person as opposed to a magistrate, ruler, king; the
noun has many other meanings also, each which is understood
from its antithesis, as e.g. a common soldier, as opposed to a
military officer; a writer of prose as opposed to a poet; In
the NT, an unlearned, illiterate, man as opposed to the
learned and educated: one who is unskilled in any art.